

Like Prince is singing on my iTunes at the moment: HELLO !

Simple and to the point: Hello! How are you all? I have now been in London for almost 2 months and I am still loving every minute of it. This weekend I had 2 visitors from Belgium, Emilie (flatmate last year and bf) came Friday til Sunday, and my mum came Sunday til Monday. The visits were very fun and I had the change to show of my recently gained knowledge of London and Emilie and my mum had a very good time. I took Emilie around the London Bridge area (Southwark, Tate, St. Pauls) and we had the obligatory coffee and cake along the way of course! Emilie was very happy she could have caramel shortbread again, her favorite cake she always had in Aberystwyth but couldn't find in Belgium! I of course had a chocolate muffin! Friday she joined me and some CCE students to an art gallery opening up in Hackney, really cool! We walked on an indoor, artificial and wobbly wooden pier over a white coloured lake - you had to be there - and we watched a Melrose Place installation including actors very dramatically practicing a scene from the show. The next day we went shopping to Spitalfields and Brick Lane - awesome of course! Saturday evening we were invited for a dinner at Sibylle's place with her flatmates. On Sunday my mum arrived and we also went shopping to Spitalfields to show her a shoes shop I discovered there the day before (both bought shoes ghihi) and walked around a lot, concluding with a very nice meal near London Bridge. The next day we also walked and went shopping to Regent Street. That was, in a nutshell, my weekend!

The days are filled with uni, uni work and research, and going to see a lot of things which is also uni work basically. For example today, Nada (an Egyptian girl from my class) and I went to the Whitechapel Gallery to see Sophie Calle's photography, the Institute of Contemporary Arts to see clips and photography by Rosalind Nashashibi and we also went to the Anish Kapoor exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts. Particularly this last one was extremely fun, very visual, abstract and touchable all at once. Especially when a canon shot a blob of red painted wax on to the museum's nice white wall!

So basically, London has much to offer and I'm taking up as much as possible!

Greetings, Camille

Hope you are all well!


Some pics!

Sorry for the anti-chronological order but my blog does this automatically, but anyway, here are some pics!
Underground art

Hyde Park on a sunny afternoon


The vicious squirrel !

Me, Sibylle (German) and Nada (Egyptian), some of my classmates at the Amersham Arms where we went out on Friday evening.

Brick Lane musician on the street last week on Sunday

Very nice shot even if I say so myself, thanks Sibylle! (Brick Lane area as well)

One of my new favourite shops at Brick Lane: a big room with little cubicles per independent designer, very nice stuff (bought a dress there).
More pics to come!
Have a good evening, CDG

And the fun continues

Dear blog readers of mine,

here I am again, with a new blog entry! First of all I'd like to thank all of you who have given me such nice responses to my blog, it's good to know that people are actually reading it and enjoying it ;)!

So here's a little update of what I've been up to! First of all the course is getting very interesting, I'm really enjoying it. I don't have many lectures though, because they expect us to read a lot, put in a lot of individual work, stay up to date with as many things as possible and go to exhibitions and events and all that. On Tuesday, we have a lecture on "Theories of cultural industries: creative theory and practice", followed by a seminar. We have reading to do every week which we then discuss in the seminar. The first reading for this seminar is by Adorno and Horkheimer, so not much new there. I am very curious to see how we will handle these thinkers in the seminar (for those ex-communication scientists amongst us: no I am not sick of them yet, on the contrary, I look forward to it! which for some of you is probably a horrible thought). This week I also have my first course on "Entrepreneurial modelling", I'll let you know how that went!

So since I do not have that many lectures, I take advantage of my time to explore the city as much as possible. This week I've seen a wonderful exhibition at Somerset House, titled "Showstudio.com, fashion revolution". It was a very interesting exhibition, first of all because it shows how exhibitions these days are not what they used to be: it was interactive (buzz word of the moment but these people definitely made it work, trust me!), creative, innovative and alternative. Basically everything our tutors expect us to be, so this was definitely a must see for me. The exhibition focussed not in particular on fashion but more on the process which leads to fashion and the people involved: photographers, models, et cetera. The exhibition also made excellent use of the new media available to everybody: models were asked to send pictures taken with their iphones to a certain platform which was available to the public and showed in this exhibition, models also left voicemail messages all through the fashion week which gave an insight in how things work and small digital cameras were used to film photo shoots from behind the actual camera. The exhibition tackled fashion but in a very modern way, showing how things actually work without putting the emphasis on the final product which we all get to see.

The weekend was very good as well. On friday evening I invited a few ICCE (Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship) people, so classmates, and some other people to the flat for a week drinks. We ended up making our own mystery cocktails with unusual blends which tasted very delicious - very creative isn't it ;)? We afterwards went dancing to the Amersham Arms, again very fun. On Saturday Matt, Charlotte and I went for a typical British pub lunch in the London Bridge area, and a coffee afterwards. Yesterday evening I got comfy in the sofa and watched Strictly Come Dancing, still my favourite show in the world! This morning (Sunday) I got up quite early, doing some normal stuff like washing up, grocery shopping and reading some Adorno. Then after lunch Sibylle (German girl from my course) and I met up to stroll in Hyde Park since the sun was shining so beautifully. But, we came across a very vicuous squirrel!!! So watch out people, the squirrels in Hyde Park beg for a piece of your muffin and approach you and look you straight into the eye! Very scary! Then we went into the Victoria and Albert museum (one of my favourites in London!) to have a look at the fashion collection there, followed by a coffee at Pret (à manger) and a chocolate chip cookie! And now well, I came home and had some dinner. Phoned a bit (my brother phoned and we're going to see The Lion King when he and Tine come down in December, very excited about that! A proper West End musical is another must in London) and then I started writing this onto my blog :)!

So I hope you enjoyed it again,
I'm trying to upload some pictures but something keeps going wrong! Very annoying ...

Have a good Sunday evening, xhx!

Camille DG in London